These days, Doctors receive a lot of communication on top of their patient-orientated daily work. They drown in documentation duties and obligations to provide reports, notes, and maintain internal documents regarding quality, data protection, hygiene, et cetera. At the same time medical doctors are heavily targeted by salespeople, represent valuable information sources, and are desired partners for research and other activities.
In this dire situation, how can you get their attention?
We recommend thinking carefully about your approaches and the content of medical professional engagement materials. If you need to capture their expertise, preferences, or perspectives, invest into building and communicating a value proposition that catches the attention and gains the buy-in of physicians. Appealing to doctor’s interest and their curiosity has proven to be much more effective than direct incentives. Consequently, our gold standard must be to build and work within established, trusted relationships – engage professional societies, utilize medical liaison managers or sales team contacts, or other pathways.
The second and even more important aspect is the goal and the quality of your engagement – be it advisory boards, interviews, surveys, or any other type of interaction. Getting your proverbial foot in the door based on a trusted relationship is one thing, keeping that door open is an entirely different story. Keep in mind that, most like everyone else, physicians do not like to feel instrumentalized or skimmed off without a goal they consider worth engaging for. In addition, poorly phrased requests and survey questions may lead to rejection instead of engagement.
We are here to help you! Develop the right story, identify the appropriate setting, and draft a high-quality questionnaire – we can consult you based on your individual needs and specific situation.
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